Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Season 1 Episode 3 "The Enemy Within"

After being infested by a Goa'uld parasite in the previous episode, Major Charles Kawalsky shows signs of possession. The symbiote is removed, but Kawalsky remains possessed and is killed by Teal'c.

*** Alright there's your summary discuss in comments***
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What worked for you? 
What didn't work for you in this episode?
Is it one of your favorites if so why?


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with this episode. I liked that they gave Teal'c a chance to show that he left as First Prime to Aphophis for a reason. However, at a cost of losing a character I liked in Kawalsky. I understand they needed to get into the back story of the Goa'uld but I think this could have been done later on in the season and the audience could have learned more about Kawalsky. By doing this, they could have shown the friendship between O'Neill and Kawalsky which later on in the season, the audience would have felt even more at a loss and O'Neill could have then again lost someone he cared about.

    This episode is not in my top 10, but it does a good job in showing what the Goa'uld are capable of.

  2. They always have to have that one military or bureaucrat guy to annoy the heck out of you - kind of like real life.

  3. LOL I hated Kennedy it cracked me up how much I was like I hope it eats you offer yourself up sucker
    okay that was a bit much but UGH bang my head against the wall with the over the top acting done by everyone but RDA
    Still I did like it a heck of a lot better than the next one #headdesk

  4. You're sure this iris will hold right?

    I enjoyed how Jack was willing to trust Teal'c because they had been through a fox hole fire together. He saw and understood another warrior who had done things not pretty.

  5. I agree with Chris in that I would have like Kawalsky to stick around longer than he did. Though I think if he had stuck around just as himself it would be difficult since he wasnt apart of the main team and they would have to make episode time for him to interact with Jack which would take time away from what we did have. I think it would have been cool though if he had just stayed a gould secretly for awhile and have the tension build off of that throught the season
