One year previsously, as depicted in the movie Stargate, Colonel Jack O'Neill led a team through the Stargate to the planet Abydos. After killing the Goa'uld System Lord Ra with a nuclear bomb, O'Neill returned to Earth with two survivors of his team, Charles Kawalsky and Louis Ferretti. They leave behind Dr. Daniel Jackson, with his new love Sha're (called Sha'uri in the movie) and her brother Skaara.
Part 1
The series starts when the Stargate apparently activates on its own, and the Goa'uld System Lord Apophis and several Jaffa soldiers come through to the Stargate Command base at Cheyenne Mountain, killing several armed airmen and kidnapping a female airman. Soon after this event, O'Neill is re-called to Cheyenne Mountain by Major General George Hammond. He isinterrogated, along with his former teammates Charles Kawalsky and Louis Ferretti, about their mission to Abydos. When they refuse to reveal anything other than what is in their reports, General Hammond chooses to send a nuclear bomb through the Stargate to Abydos, believing that the aliens could only have come from Abydos and hoping to destroy whoever came through. O'Neill reveals that he had lied about using the bomb to destroy Abydos. He admits that while the alien Ra was killed, the people of Abydos are still alive and Dr. Daniel Jackson is living among them. After talking to his superiors, Hammond allows O'Neill to send a tissue box through the Stargate. The box is returned, proving that Jackson is alive and well, O'Neill is recalled to active duty, regains his rank of Colonel and is given permission to take a team through the Stargate to Abydos to investigate the alien invaders. A team is assembled which includes O'Neill, Kawalsky, Ferretti, and Samantha Carter , along with several others. They find a group of Abydonians waiting for them, armed with military weapons from Earth. Daniel leads O'Neill, Kawalsky, and Carter to a large cavernous room that has innumerable hieroglyphs on the walls. Jackson reveals that he believes that the hieroglyphs of the cartouchematch the various symbols on the Stargate, leading him to believe that the walls are actually a map of the coordinates of a vast network of Stargates across the galaxy. While O'Neill and the others are away from the Stargate, the base camp nearby is attacked by the same invaders who attacked the SGC earlier in the episode. The leader's eyes glow, causing many of the survivors to believe that he is Ra. The invaders take Sha're (Vaitiare Bandera) and Skaara (Alexis Cruz, from the 1994 film) with them. Determined to save his wife and brother-in-law, Daniel accompanies O'Neill and his team back to Earth. When the injured Ferretti is able to reveal the symbols that the invaders used to leave Abydos, General Hammond is given permission by thePresident of the United States to form nine teams who will use the Stargate to gather information about threats to Earth. O'Neill is given command of the team designated "SG-1", with Carter as his second-in-command and Jackson accompanying him. Kawalsky is given command of SG-2.
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